Sheepshead: Winter is the best time to target these toothy. It seems the colder the winters the better.
Sheepshead are an inshore species and are commonly found around oyster bars, seawalls and in tidal creeks. They move nearshore during late winter and early spring for spawning.
Sheepshead are fractional spawners (they only lay a portion of their eggs at a time) in inshore waters, typically in March and April. They are omnivorous feeding mostly on crustaceans and small fish.
Florida State Record Sheepshead:
15 lb 2 oz, caught near Homosassa
Use live shrimp, sand fleas or fiddler crabs on a small hook fished on the bottom. When cleaning, beware of the sharp gill covers.
Sheepshead are an important commercial species.
(Back Bay Xtremes Fishing Guide) (Book Fishing Charter) (Tarpon Fishing Guide) (Snook Fishing Guide) (Fishing Reports)
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