Spanish Mackerel: These are a migrating fish caught in the Spring and Fall. Spring is the better time due to the Summer rains push migrating schools further offshore. Size 12 inches to the fork fifteen per person.
Spanish mackerel are prevalent throughout Florida waters: inshore, offshore and nearshore. They are frequently found over grass beds and reefs. These mackerel are absent from north Florida waters in winter.
Spanish mackerel are a schooling fish that migrates northward in spring, returning to southerly waters when water temperature drops below 70 degrees F. They spawns offshore from spring through summer and feeds on small fish and squid.
Florida State Record Spanish Mackerel:
12 lb, caught near Ft. Pierce
Spanish mackerel are similar in appearence to cero and king mackerel.
(Back Bay Xtremes Fishing Guide) (Book Fishing Charter) (Tarpon Fishing Guide) (Snook Fishing Guide) (Fishing Reports)
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